
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” –Lao Tzu

Time to change directions

Time to change directions

After 40 years of changing directions, I have finally decided to become a futurist.  Ah, if only I’d had the foresight to see that back in the 1970’s! 😉

But in truth, I have been working on and off towards this end for the past twenty years, but now I’m really doing it.  A brief history of me:

  • 40 years of diverse media, marketing and sales experience, including local and network newscasting and sportscasting, publishing, market research, public relations, marketing and scientific sales.
  • 15 minutes (and  a few odd seconds) of Warholian fame, which you can read about here.
  • Blogging— diverse subjects, mostly tongue in cheek–at millenniumconjectures.com since 2012.  It’s an outlet for all the decades of accumulated trash in my cluttered brain.  I Added Seeking Delphi as my second blog, dedicated to futurist issues, in 2016.
  • Podcasting–Reaching deep to resurrect my distant broadcast journalism past, Seeking Delphi, the podcast made its debut in January of 2017.
  • Foresight credits: one publication in the journal Futures (see link at the bottom), full membership and credential in the Association of Professional Futurists, graduate certificate in Foresight, University of Houston  and a brief stint on the Connecticut State Legislature’s 21st Century Action Plan Commission (1999).

In truth, though, I’ve been thinking about the future ever since my father got me interested in science fiction back in my childhood.  My aim now, though, is to become an advocate for more foresight in society.  As the pace of change accelerates, it is easy to become jaded–or scared–and hide one’s head in the sand.  And the faster it changes, it seems, the shorter our attention spans and the shorter our horizons.  Big, big mistake!  Big upheavals are coming, whether you are ready for them or not.  Don’t be an ostrich;  join me and be ready.

Oh yeah,  here’s that book review I published in Futures in 1999.  sackler review F31 April 1999

As of April, 2017, I have been officially admitted as a full member of the Association of Professional Futurists.